This Old School

This old school was built in 1939 by local men of the community as part of FDR’s work projects. Architech was Karl Johnson from the neighboring town of Cameron.

The building burned down before they ever held a class and was rebuilt in 1940. Classes were held until 1960 when the school children started being bused to the nearby Rockdale school disctrict. At that time the school closed. It changed hands two or three times and around 1970, James Eugene Luckey (my dad) bought the school and surrounding property at auction. It’s been in the family ever since.

Dad had been a teacher and coach at this school when it was open. He had a bee farm, and used one of the classrooms for extracting the honey from the hives. He also added to the building a shop and an auto shop, two apartments, and he covered the landcape with 300 Elberta peach trees. People came from far and wide to pick the delicious peaches on the honor system. They would gather their peaches, then take them down to Mrs. Harbuz’s store to be weighed and paid for. She would give the money to Dad.

In 1998 Dad and Mom (Eleanor Louise Clore Luckey) built their golden years home on the playground location of the schoolgrounds, an area full of many beautiful Post Oak Savannah trees.

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